Tuesday, March 25, 2014


First, I do not know if you have noticed, but I have changed my blog layout a little bit. I thought the old one was outdated, and made things hard to read. I had originally changed it to a beach in the background since it is titled, "There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men *College*" But I did not think it captured the important part of the title, "College". I think that this image captures college. Or at least my experience. 

Second, I am really loving this new breath of life that I have received. I explained it as well as I can in my last blog. So I will try not to re-write the same blog entry. But it is just so refreshing. 

This morning in Chapel Mike Hayes spoke in the Conn Center, which is where I attended service. For those of you reading who do not know, at Lee University we are required to go to Chapel twice a week. Once on Tuesday, and once on Thursday. Chapel is a service like modern day church where we worship to modern music and listen to a speaker. A lot of Lee students complain about Chapel because it gets in their way, but I love it. Most of the time the speaker has a very relevant message. Also, there is something unique and special about the fact that twice a week the entire campus comes together (in theory). There is a certain beauty in that. It makes me feel closer to my peers and fellow students. It makes me feel more of a part of something. Anyways, Hayes spoke on two men from the Boston Marathon. 

Jeff Bauman
and Carlos Arrendando.
Jeff Bauman was attending the Boston marathon to support his girlfriend running in the race. Carlos had two sons. One who died in war and another who committed suicide as a result of a progressing pain that developed from his brother's death. Carlos was in attendance at the Boston marathon to support someone run in honor of his son in the military, and to support another team that was running in support of suicide awareness.

When the bomb went off Jeff was was injured. Carlos ran to his aid, and played a major part in saving his life. 

Hayes also spoke on the story of Joseph from the Bible. For those who do not know the story Joseph was the eleventh brother of many. His father had many sons with other women, but Joseph was the son from his true love, and so Joseph's father favored him. One day out of jealousy Joseph's brothers took him to the desert and threw him into a hole. Joseph was found and sold into slavery. His owner's wife constantly hit on him, and asked him to sleep with her. He refused. One day Joseph refused and tried to run. As he ran the woman took his garment off and screamed that he had raped her. He was then thrown into jail. While in jail he interpreted the dreams of men who served the Pharaoh. One day the Pharaoh had a dream, and so the men referred him to Joseph. Joseph interpreted his dream and was appointed as one of the leaders of the kingdom. Joseph's brothers came to him, not knowing it was him, in order to receive food in a time of famine. Instead of becoming angry and punishing them, he told them who he was and asked them to bring the rest of the family to him so they could be one again. He saved them from the famine even though he had every right to punish them and gain revenge. 

Hayes used both of these stories to show that in times of great despair and adversity we have one of two choices, "grudges or forgiveness". 

Once again God was speaking to me. Reminding me that I need to forgive and let go. I need to follow the example of Carlos and Jeff who decided to allow their experience to make them stronger. I need to follow the example of Joseph who forgave and welcomed his brothers. I need to forgive and grow. I choose forgiveness. 

Today I also had my one on one with my RD. My RD is my Residential Director. She is basically my boss. One on ones, as I explained in my previous blog post, are times that my director and I work together to grow me and discuss how I can best serve my hall and my team. This time my director asked me how my life was. I answered, "Pretty good." She asked why? I do not know why she always surprises me with that question. I should know that she will never let me go by simply answering without explaining. Haha. But I love it. I told her most of the stuff that I explained in my last post. That I have chosen to forgive, accept positive not negative, and not to fear or be angry or bitter, and how enlightening that is. She asked me how I was working towards these things. I shared a few things. For example, every morning I write down three positive things that I like about myself and a positive memory from my past. Also, when someone compliments me I make an effort to not reject it but value it. I have also chosen not to fear or be angry or bitter. That last one is a weird on because it is abstract. I told my director that I was not really sure how, but I was beginning to forgive things that I never thought I could, letting go of fear, anger, and bitterness, and accepting the positive. She said that she thinks it is party what I have been doing, and the other part is God. I completely agree. In fact, I know that is what is going on. That is how I felt before she even said that, but for some reason I felt weird saying it. But I know that it is only by God's grace that I am able to do these things because I have tried to do it on my own before, and all it has done is dug me farther into the ground. It is only by Gods grace that I can do anything. That is the truth. 

I do not want to mislead you by saying that everything is perfect because it is not. But life seems to be more free, more exciting, and more happy. I like it. I think I am going to keep it this way. 

My life is not too exciting as far as great adventures and all, but I decided I would end this with my to-do list so you could see what I have been up to. 

My To-Do List:

  • I want to make my handwriting look like the cursive from old-timey handwriting. 

(like this)
This is my progress so far. It still needs work, but it's getting there.

  • Theology Exam on Thursday 3/27
  • Theology Study session 3/26
  • Print out housing contract and my profile signature/fill it out
  • Sign up for living arrangements next year 3/27 (NORA THIRD NORTH FOR LIFE)
  • Finish reading "Blue Like Jazz" 
  • Finish Christian Ethics Presentation slides, video, and definitions 3/31
  • buy a book to track finances in. 
  • Meet with a new friend on Thursday 3/27 
  • Download powerpoints from all classes
  • get stuff off of ipod and on to computer
  • prepare youth ministry presentation on grief and prepare five questions 
  • Start planning out next year
  • Hang out with staff
  • build relationships on hall
  • Think about how to decorate the hall next year
  • Room check
  • Smoke detector check
  • Live

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